Text "The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt" (Shel Silverstein)

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Autor Shel Silverstein
Texttitel The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt
Sprache eng
Textform Gedicht
Veröffentlichung 1981 Shel Silverstein Buch "A light in the attic"

The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Me who?
That's right!
What's right?
That's what I want to know!
What's what you want to know?
Me, who?
Yes, exactly!
Exactly what?
Yes, I have an Exactlywatt on a chain!
Exactly what on a chain?
Yes what?
No, Exactlywatt!
That's what I want to know!
I told you - Exactlywatt!
Exactly what?
Yes what?
Yes, it's with me!
What's with you?
Exactlywatt - that's what's with me.
Me who?
Go away!

Knock knock...