Text "Needles and pins" (Shel Silverstein)

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Autor Shel Silverstein
Texttitel Needles and pins
Sprache eng
Textform Gedicht
Veröffentlichung 1996 Shel Silverstein Buch "Falling up"

Needles and pins

Needles and pins,
Needles and pins,
Sew me a sail
To catch me the wind.

Sew me a sail
Strong as the gale,
Carpenter, bring out your
Hammers and nails.

Hammers and nails,
Hammers and nails,
Build me a boat
To go chasing the whales.

Chasing the whales,
Sailing the blue
Find me a captain
And sign me a crew.

Captain and crew,
Captain and crew,
Take me, oh take me