Raining in my heart / Blues hangover / Bobby-sox baby / I got love if you want it / Snoopin' around / Buzz me, baby // I'm a king bee / What a dream / Don't start crying now / Moody blues / My home is a prison / Dream girl
[Lightnin' Slim:] Rooster blues / My starter won't work / It's mighty crazy / Hoo-doo blues / I'm leavin' you baby / Feelin' awful blue // [Slim Harpo:] ... / ... / ... / ... / My home is a prison / ...
Shake your hips / Midnight blues / Harpo's blues / Buzzin' / My little queen bee / I love the life I'm livin' // Baby, scratch my back / I'm gonna miss you like the Devil / Rainin' in my heart / Wonderin' blues / We're two of a kind / I need money
Tip on in / Te-ni-nee-ni-nu / Mailbox blues / I've been a good thing for you / Hey little Lee // I'm gonna keep what I've got / I've got to be with you tonight / I'm so sorry / My baby she's got it / I just can't leave you
Mohair Sam / I'm gonna keep what I've got / Buzz me baby / Baby scratch my back / I'm a king bee / Rainin' in my heart / Te-ni-nee-ni-nu / Tip on in / Shake your hips / I'm your bread maker baby
Shake your hips / Jody man / Hippy song / Baby scratch my back / I'm a king bee / Dynamite // I'm your bread maker baby / You can't make it / Boogie chillun / Rock me baby / Baby please come home / The music's hot
Shake your hips / Jody man / Hippy song / Baby scratch my back / I'm a king bee / Dynamite // I'm your bread maker baby / You can't make it / Boogie chillun / Rock me baby / Baby please come home / The music's hot
Wondering and worryin' / Strange love / You'll be sorry one day / One more day / Late last night / Buzzin' / Sittin' here wondering / What's goin' on baby // Please don't turn me down / Tip on in (part 2) / I just can't leave you / That's why I love you / Just for you / I've got my finger on your trigger / The price is too high / Rainin' in my heart
Blues hangover (The legendary Jay Miller sessions volume 4)
US: Flyright 520
I'm a king bee / This ain't no place for me / That ain't your business / You ain't had to cry / Untitled instrumental / Late last night // Blues hangover / Things gonna change / That's alright / Wonderin' and worryin' / What's going on / One more day
Got love if you want it (The legendary Jay Miller sessions volume 20)
US: Flyright 558
One of these days / Harmonica instrumental / That ain't your business / Things gonna change / Talking blues / Don't start crying now // Dream girl / I got love if you want it / My little queen bee / Strange love / We're two of a kind / I love the life I'm living
Shake your hips / Midnight blues / Harpo's blues / Buzzin' / My little queen bee / Love the life I'm livin' // Baby scratch my back / I'm gonna miss you (Like the Devil) / Rainin' in my heart / Wonderin' blues / We're two of a kind / I need money
Baby scratch my back / Got love if you want it / I'm a king bee / Shake your hips / Te ni nee ni nu / I've been a good thing (for you) // Raining in my heart / The music's hot / Mohair Sam / Tip on in / Moody blues / The hippy song / Don't start crying now / Rock me, baby
I'm a king bee / This ain't no place for me / That ain't your business / You ain't had to cry / Moody blues / Late last night / Blues hangover / That's alright / Wonderin' and worryin' / What's going on / One more day / One of these days / Buzzin' / Things gonna change / Don't start crying now / Dream girl / I got love if you want it / My little queen bee / Strange love / We're two of a kind / I love the life I'm living
Baby scratch my back / I got love if you want it / I'm a king bee / Little queen bee (Got a brand new king) / Shake your hips / Te-ni-nee-ni-nu / Buzz me babe / Buzzin' / Rainin' in my heart / Still rainin' in my heart / Late last night / Tip on in (part 1) / Bobby sox baby / Don't start cryin' now / I need money (Keep your alibis) / Strange love / Rock me baby / Blues hang-over
I'm a king bee / I've got love if you want it / Wonderin' and worryin' / Strange love / You'll be sorry one day / One more day / Bobby sox baby / Buzz me babe / Late last night / Yeah yeah baby / Don't start crying now / Blues hangover / Please don't turn me down / Moody blues / Snoopin' around / Rainin' in my heart / Lovers confession / Buzzin' / I love the life I'm living / Little queen bee (Got a brand new king) / I need money / Still rainin' in my heart / We're two of a kind / What's goin' on baby // Baby, scratch my back / I'm gonna miss you like the devil / Wondering blues / Rock me baby / Shake your hips / Tip on in (part 1) / Tip on in (part 2) / I'm gonna keep what I've got / I've got to be with you tonight / Te ni nee ni nu / Mailbox blues / Mohair Sam / I just can't leave you / Jody man / I've been a good thing for you / Hey little Lee / My baby she's got it / I'm so sorry / Moody blues ; I got love if you want it ; You know I love you [live]
I'm a king bee / I got love if you want it / Wondering and worryin' / Strange love / You'll be sorry one day / One more day / Bobby sox baby / Late last night / Buzz me babe / Dream girl / Yeah yeah baby / What a dream / Don't start cryin' now / Blues hangover / Moody blues / My home is a prison / Please don't turn me down / Snoopin' around / Rainin' in my heart / That's alright baby / Lover's confession / Buzzin' / I love the life I'm living / Boogie chillen'
Shake your hips / Little queen bee (Got a brand new king) / Still rainin' in my heart / I need money (Keep your alibis) / What's goin' on baby / Harpo's blues / Sittin' here wonderin' / We're two of a kind / I'm gonna miss you (Like the Devil) / Baby scratch my back / I don't want no one (To take me away from you) / Midnight blues / Lovin' you (The way I do) / Baby you got what I want / Your love for me is gone / I'm your bread maker baby / Stop working blues / I'm waiting on you baby / You'll never find a love as true as mine / Little Sally Walker / I gotta stop lovin' you / Blueberry Hill / Something inside of me / Tonite I'm lonely / Man is crying / Still rainin' in my heart
Rainin' in my heart / Blues hangover / Bobby sox baby / I got love if you want it / Snoopin' around / Buzz me, baby / I'm a king bee / Don't start crying now / Moody blues / My home is a prison / Dream girl / Wonderin' and worryin' / Strange love / You'll be sorry one day / One more day / Late last night / Still rainin' in my heart
I'm a king bee / This ain't no place for me / That ain't your business / Strange love / Late last night / Wonderin' and worryin' / What's going on / One more day / One of these days / Things gonna change / I got love if you want it / Moody blues / Wonderin' and worryin' / Buzz me babe / Late last night / Rainin' in my heart / The scratch / I don't want no one (To take you away from me) / Startime theme [Live] / I'm a king bee [Live] / Hold me tenderly [Live] / Everybody needs somebody [Live] / Big boss man [Live] / Little Liza Jane [Live] / When the saints go marching in [Live] / Rainin' in my heart [Live]
Tip on in (part 1) / Tip on in (part 2) / I'm gonna keep what I've got / I've got to be with you tonight / Mailbox blues / Te-ni-nee-ni-nu / Mohair Sam / I just can't leave you / That's why I love you / Just for you / My baby she's got it / I've been a good thing for you / Hey little Lee / Stick your chest out baby / Folsom Prison blues / Mutual friend / I've got my finger on your trigger / The price is too high / Jody man / The music's hot / You can't make it / The hippy song / Dynamite / Rock me baby / Baby please come home
I'm a king bee / I've got love if you want it / Wonderin' and worryin' / You'll be sorry one day / Strange love / Bobby sox baby / One more day / Rainin' in my heart / Blues hangover / Buzzin' / Still rainin' in my heart / Snoopin' around / Te ni nee ni nu / Tip on in (part 1) / Shake your hips / Baby, scratch my back
Star-Time announcement / I'm a king bee / Buzzin' / I got love if you want it / You know I love you / Lottie Mo / Everybody needs somebody / Big boss man / Hold me tenderly / I'll take care of you / Boogie chillun / Moody blues / Sugar coated love / Star-Time theme / I'm a king bee / I don't play / I got love if you want it / Little Liza Jane / When the saints go marching in / Rainin' in my heart
Rainin' in my heart / Blues hangover / Bobby sox baby / I got love if you want it / Snoopin' around / Buzz me, baby / I'm a king bee / What a dream / Don't start crying now / Moody blues / My home is a prison / Dream girl / My little queen bee (Got a brand new king) / Late last night / Tip on in (part 2)
Baby scratch my back / I got love if you want it / I'm a king bee / Little queen bee (Got a brand new king) / Rock me baby / Blues hangover / Shake your hips / Te-ni-nee-ni-nu / Buzz me babe / Buzzin' / Rainin' in my heart / Still rainin' in my heart / Late last night / Tip on in (part 1) / Bobby sox baby / Don't start cryin' now / I need money (Keep your alibis) / Strange love
I'm a king bee / I got love if you want it / Wondering and worryin' / Strange love / You'll be sorry one day / One more day / Buzz me babe / Late last night / Blues hangover / What a dream / Don't start cryin' now / Rainin' in my heart / I love the life I'm living / Buzzin' / I need money (Keep your alibis) / Little queen bee (Got a brand new king) / Still rainin' in my heart / We're two of a kind / Stittin' here wondering / What's goin' on baby 7 Harpo's blues / Please don't turn me down // Baby scratch my back / I'm gonna miss you like the Devil / Shake your hips / Midnight blues / I'm your bread maker, baby / Loving you (The way I do) / Tip on in (part 1) / Tip on in (part 2) / I'm gonna keep what I've got / I've got to be with you tonight / Te-ni-nee-ni-nu / Mailbox blues / Mohair Sam / I just can't leave you / That's why I love you / Just for you / Folsom Prison blues / Mutual friend / I've got my finger on the trigger / The price is too high / Rainin' in my heart [overdubbed version] / Jody man