< Mediawiki | Erweiterung
Die Mediawiki-Erweiterung Gnuplot (auch: GNUPlot) erlaubt die Erzeugung und Anzeige von grafischen Darstellungen. Dabei wird das Programm Gnuplot verwendet.
1. Voraussetzung ist die Installation des Pakets "gnuplot".
# apt-get install gnuplot
2. Anlegen der Datei "extensions/Gnuplot.php" und Einfügen des folgenden PHP-Codes (Stand: 8. Februar 2009).
* Parser hook extension adds a <gnuplot> tag and <dataset> tag to wiki markup for rendering gnuplot plots!
* Usage is something like this:
* <gnuplot>
* set title "Text"
* set yrange [0:60]
* set xtics (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
* set xrange [0:10]
* plot <dataset>0 1
* 2 10
* 3 15
* </dataset> using 1:2 title "Burndown" with lines
* </gnuplot>
* Options should be heroicly wide open.. if you can wrap your head around all the possibilities listed in the
* gnuplot documentation.
// Make sure we are being called properly
if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
echo(" This file is an extension to the MediaWiki software and cannot be used standalone.\n" );
die( -1 );
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfGnuplotExtension";
* You should refer to the gnuplot documentation for the different output types
* Honestly, only image types will work without some other changes
$image_format = "png";
$gnuplot_path = "/usr/bin/gnuplot";
* The function links its methods as
* hooks for the Parser
function wfGnuplotExtension() {
global $wgParser;
# register the extension with the WikiText parser
# the first parameter is the name of the new tag.
# the second parameter is the callback function for
# processing the text between the tags
$wgParser->setHook( "dataset", "saveDATA" );
$wgParser->setHook( "gnuplot", "renderPLOT" );
* This method setups up the output of the plot script, which
* has a few things that we dont want to repeat EVERYTIME someone
* wants to make a graph
* @param String $plot_source - we have to have the full source to wrap
* @param String $output_filename - we have to tell gnuplot where to output the graph
* @return the script with output stuff wrapped in it
function wrap_script($plot_source, $output_filename) {
global $image_format;
$something = "set terminal ".$image_format."\n";
$something .= "set output \"".$output_filename."\"\n";
$something .= $plot_source;
return $something;
* Caches the command script and calls the gnuplot executable to render the
* graph image
* @param String $plot_script
* @return Nothing.. we assume this all goes correctly.
function renderGnuPlot(&$plot_script) {
// hash our script
$script_hash = md5($plot_script);
// make the output of the command be in the math directory
$filename = $wgMathDirectory."/plot-".$script_hash.".".$image_format;
//fill in the extras our consumer doesn't care about
$full_plot_script = wrap_script($plot_script,$filename);
$current_dir = getcwd();
// create temporary file for the plot script
$winPath = $wgTmpDirectory."/".$script_hash.".plot";
$fp = fopen($winPath,"a+");
$w= fputs($fp,$full_plot_script);
// run gnuplot to create our file
$command = $gnuplot_path." ".$script_hash.".plot ";
//I had a problem with the status code always being false. so, stopped using it
$status_code = exec($command);
//delete the plot file
* Determins if a graph file has already been rendered
* if not, calls to render one and returns the root host url to the image.
* @param String $plot_script
* @return images/math/plot-.... file reference for the image tag
function getPlotImageURL($plot_script) {
//unique our script
$formula_hash = md5($plot_script);
$filename = 'plot-' . $formula_hash.".".$image_format;
$full_path_filename = $wgMathDirectory."/".$filename;
if (is_file($full_path_filename)) {
//nothing to do
//we've already made this image before
} else {
return $wgMathPath."/".$filename;
* The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
* @param String $input
* @param Array<String> $argv
* @param Parser $parser
* @return HTML image tag to the graph itself
function renderPLOT( &$input, $argv, &$parser ) {
//get our parser to finish up its parse and recover the real data-set data (the UNIQ QINU problem)
$input = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $input );
$input = $parser->mStripState->unstripBoth($input);
$url = getPlotImageURL($input);
return "<img src='$url'>";
* This method takes in the raw tuple input of the dataset, and any arguments, and saves it to a random
* file on the system. The return is the absolute path to the data file, so that it can be
* embedded into the plot command.
* @param String $input
* @param Array<String> $argv
* @param Parser $parser
* @return unknown
function saveDATA( $input, $argv, &$parser){
//make a temp filename with a hash of the input
$filename = md5($input);
//we dont wanna create toooo many of these guys either
if (!is_file($wgTmpDirectory."/".$filename.".dat")) {
//know where we are
$current_dir = getcwd();
//than change it
// saving this data set as a temporary RANDOM file
$winPath = $wgTmpDirectory."/".$filename.".dat";
$fp = fopen($winPath,"a+");
return "\"".$wgTmpDirectory."/".$filename.".dat\"";
3. Anpassung der Rechte.
# chown wiki:wiki extensions/gnuplot.php
4. Pfad zu Gnuplot in der Datei "extensions/gnuplot.php" anpassen.
$gnuplot_path = "/usr/bin/gnuplot";
5. Einfügen der folgenden Zeile in die Datei "LocalSettings.php".
## Extension: Gnuplot require_once('extensions/gnuplot.php');
Die Standardeinstellungen in der Datei "gnuplot.php" sind die folgenden.
set terminal png color set size 0.5,0.5
Passendere Einstellungen sind z. B.
set terminal png color set size 1.5,1.0
- Extension:Gnuplot ( - auch bekannt als "Gnuplot-2"
- Gnuplot homepage (
- Gnuplot
- Grundkurs Gnuplot
- Gnuplot (