Lied "Imagekiller" (Michael Kuhn; Boris Morf)

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Liedtitel Imagekiller
Musikautor Michael Kuhn; Boris Morf
Textautor Michael Kuhn; Boris Morf
Herausgeber Dead Dodo Publishing


I'm eating spam for my breakfast

I'm viewing the showcase
To find out how to spend
The money I don't have

My mother was a virgin
Occasionally frequented
By the Holy Ghost

I'm looking real sharp
And I'm working real hard
On the perfect knot for my tie
But some wish I would die

I'm so fuckin' cool, clever and smart
That I'm building my body
So all my muscles are hard
To sharpen my pencils

My job is to sell dreams
And I'm selling my love
To all the consumers out there

I want to buy your dreams
I pay with a promise
I give names to the stars
And I sell 'em for a dime

And all the fuckin' real cool guys behind their guitars
They're so fuckin' real cool
They got them shades and rings and tight trousers
But they can't play a note

They'll never play one of these notes
That are worth a thousand times more than all of their songs

You don't see the thing with no name
So God is Allah, Yehovah, Shiva

But still the Pope don't wear his hat


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