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Die Extension matrix zeigt eine Fülle von Erweiterungen für Mediawiki.

Im Januar 2009 kämmte ich mal die ganze Liste durch und fand die folgenden Erweiterungen ganz interessant (Erweiterungen mit Status "stable" sind fett markiert).

Erweiterung Beschreibung
AbcMusic] Rendering of music from ABC notation.
AmazonPartnerLink] Working simple but flexible extension to create AmazonPartnerLinks from a ISBN or a title. <amazon>1234567890</amazon> or <amazon>BookTitle</amazon>
Amazon] This (simple) extension could be used for your booksources response page to offer the requested books via Amazon. The extension will output the given Amazon Affiliate Code.
AmazonAssociates] Allows to display Amazon books using a combination of the Amazon web service and the Amazon Associates program.
AmazonContext] This extension will allow you to put Amazon Context Links in your MediaWiki installation.
AmazonOmakase] This extension will allow you to put Amazon Omakase Links in your MediaWiki installation.
Asksql] Allows SQL queries through a special page in the wiki, without opening phpMyAdmin etc.
CSS] A parser-function for adding CSS files, article or inline rules to articles.
CleanChanges] More compact display of changes list.
Colorize] Makes text to appear more fun.
CustomNavBlocks] Allows you to use normal MediaWiki-pages as contents of your Sidebar
Description] Adds a description meta-tag to MediaWiki pages automatically.
EasyTimeline] Adds <timeline> tag for creating timelines.
Edit Section Link Transform] Changes "[edit]" edit section links in to an icon link.
EditTalkRight] Enforces the "edit_talk" right.
Email Address Image] Generates an image of input text for obfuscating email addresses.
Emailtag] Adds a tag to display e-mail addresses as images (to avoid spam).
FireStats] FireStats is a statistics plugin that can be integrated into MediaWiki.
Gliffy] Provides integration with Gliffy online diagrams.
GlobalBan] This extension disallows all access made by any IP/IP range listed in the blacklist.
Glossary] Enable a Glossary within MediaWiki using tooltips.
Gnuplot] Tags to define Gnuplot script and render graph.
GnuplotBasic] Tags to define Basic Gnuplot script and render graph.
GoToCategory] Checks search terms agains the Category namespace for Go 'jump to page' functionality
Google] Allows to insert a Google search form in your wiki page.
Google Analytics] Enable Google Analytics within your wiki.
Google Custom Search Engine] This extension helps you add a Google Custom Search Engine (Google Co-op) to your MediaWiki-powered site.
Google Maps]
httpsLogin] Allows you to use https only for pages that transmit your password.
ImageMap] HTML image maps.
Loops] Loops.
Mibbit] Adds a special page used to chat in real time with other wiki users.
MultiBoilerplate] Allows a boilerplate to be selected from a drop down box located above the edit form when editing pages.
News Channel] Extension allows to set up a custom RSS 2.0/Atom 1.0 news channel on your wiki in a minute. If you include a page into some specified category (e. g. [[Category:News]]), this page instantly appears on the site's channel. Channel is implemented as a special page Special:NewsChannel and is automatically linked from every page of the wiki.
Page CSS] Parser hook to add per-page CSS using the <css> tag.
Pdf Book] Composes a book from articles in a category and exports as a PDF file.
Pdf Export] Converts current page to PDF and sends to browser.
Poem] adds <poem> tag for poem formatting.
Preloader] Load boilerplate text when creating new pages
RSS] Displays an RSS feed on a wiki page.
RudeProxyBlock] This extension disallows all access made by an IP listed as an Open Proxy.
SecureHTML] This extension securely inserts HTML section(s) or pages on a wiki page.
SecurePHP] Provides secure execution of PHP code embedded in 'runphp' tagged section.
SimpleTable] Converts tab- (or comma-) separated data into a Wiki table.
Skin Per Page] Allows using different skins on each page using <skin> tag.
Spellcheck] Provides spellchecking on edit page, supports custom dictionaries.
SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi] Allows source code to be syntax highlighted on the wiki pages.
0 Tab] Adds "0" tab, linking to the edit page of the first section of the page.
Terminology] Enable a Glossary or define Terminology within MediaWiki using tooltips.
WaybackMachine] Allows the user to browse through the history of websites from 1996 up to 2007.
WikEd] Full-featured text editor, integrated into MediaWiki edit pages.
Wiki Widgets] Embed various widget types (Google map, Google search, Google widget, Twitter feed etc).

Alte Liste

Zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt (vielleicht 2007) fand ich die folgenden Erweiterungen ganz interessant.