Edonkey 2000
Das Filesharing-Protokoll Edonkey 2000 / ED2K (auch: eDonkey 2000 / eD2K) ist ein Anwendungsprogrammm zum Dateientausch, wobei sowohl das Client-Server-Modell als auch das Peer-to-Peer-Modell zum Einsatz kommen. Die Software, die vom Anwender zur Teilnahme am Dateientausch installiert wird, wird dennoch Client genannt. Als "Edonkey 2000" wird neben dem ersten Edonkey 2000-Client auch das im Internet durch solche Clients aufgebaute Rechnernetz zum Dateientausch bezeichnet.
Ein besonders bekannter ED2K-Client ist Mldonkey, der auch eine Anzahl weiterer Filesharing-Protokolle unterstützt.
1. Installation von ocaml
FAQ: http://caml.inria.fr/FAQ/index-eng.html
$ tar xzf ocaml-3.07pl2.tar.gz $ cd ocaml-3.07 $ ./configure $ export LC_ALL=C $ make world $ make opt # umask 022 # checkinstall # yast -i /usr/src/packages/RPMS/i386/ocaml-3.07-1.i386.rpm
2. Installation LablGTK
Herunterladen: http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/olabl/lablgtk.html
$ tar xzf lablgtk-1.2.6.tar.gz $ cd lablgtk-1.2.6 $ make configure $ make $ make opt # checkinstall
Falls checkinstall nicht funktioniert, dann geht's vielleicht so:
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/ocaml/lablgtk # cd src # cp -p *.mli /usr/local/lib/ocaml/lablgtk # cp -p gaux.ml gpointer.ml glib.ml gdk.ml gdkEvent.ml gdkKeysyms.ml gtk.ml \ gtkArgv.ml gtkSignal.ml gtkData.ml gtkBase.ml gtkPack.ml gtkButton.ml \ gtkMenu.ml gtkMisc.ml gtkWindow.ml gtkTree.ml gtkList.ml gtkBin.ml gtkEdit.ml \ gtkRange.ml gtkMain.ml gtkNew.ml gDraw.ml gObj.ml gMain.ml gData.ml \ gContainer.ml gPack.ml gButton.ml gMenu.ml gMisc.ml gTree.ml gList.ml \ gWindow.ml gBin.ml gEdit.ml gRange.ml gUtil.ml gToolbox.ml gtkInit.ml \ gtkThread.ml gtkThInit.ml /usr/local/lib/ocaml/lablgtk # cp -p *.h /usr/local/lib/ocaml/lablgtk # checkinstall # yast -i /usr/src/packages/RPMS/i386/lablgtk-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm
3. Installation Mldonkey
- Herunterladen: http://ftp.berlios.de/pub/mldonkey/spiralvoice/
- FAQ: http://www.nongnu.org/mldonkey/faq.html.de
- FAQ: http://mldonkey.berlios.de/modules.php?name=Wiki&pagename=FAQs
$ tar xzf mldonkey-2.5.21.tar.gz $ cd mldonkey-2.5.21 $ ./configure --enable-pthread --enable-directconnect --enable-soulseek \ --enable-fasttrack --enable-opennap $ make depend $ make
Dies erzeugt die folgenden Dateien:
- mldonkey (the daemon with edonkey/overnet support)
- mlnet (the daemon with all network support)
- mldonkey_gui (the interface)
Das Verzeichnis "*mldonkey/distrib/" enthält:
- die Dokumentation, besonders "Readme.txt" und "FAQ.html" für weitere Informationen zum Gebrauch von Mldonkey
- Standardkonfigurationsdateien
- eine Liste von Servern für Edonkey 2000 in der Datei "servers.ini"
"mldonkey should be executed in the in the distrib/ directory, where a list of servers is present with other files. It will create other configuration files in this directory."
mldonkey_gui has its own configuration file "~/.mldonkey_gui.ini" in the user directory.
It is recommended to move mldonkey, mldonkey_gui, mldonkey_gui2 and mlchat to distrib/, then move this directory where you want to put your downloads, and then remove mldonkey sources.
$ mv ml* distrib $ mv distrib mldonkey # mv mldonkey /opt $ cd /opt/mldonkey $ rmdir incoming
Auf dem Router müssen folgende Ports für geöffnet werden:
1214 Fasttrack 2234 Soulseek 4444 DirectConnect 4662 eDonkey2000 4666 eDonkey2000 6346 Gnutella 6393 Overnet 6699 OpenNap 6882 BitTorrent
Starten von Mldonkey.
$ cd /opt/mldonkey $ ./mlnet -daemon
Weitere Startmöglichkeiten:
Simple, displaying initial output, then silent in shell:
$ ./mlnet
Displaying continuous output:
$ ./mlnet -stdout true
As a daemon, instantly in the background:
$ mlnet -daemon oder $ mlnet &> /dev/null &
Logging startup messages to file:
$ mlnet &> file &
Logging runtime messages to file (or set log_file in configuration file):
$ mlnet -log_file file
Nach dem Starten von Mldonkey kann mit telnet in die Mldonkey-Konsole gewechselt werden:
$ telnet localhost 4000 > add_user admin donkeypass > add_user mlnet donkeypass > add_user mik mikpass > auth mik mikpass > set allowed_ips "" > q
Jetzt ist auch ein Einloggen in die Konsole von aus möglich:
login: mik $ telnet 4000 oder mik mikpass
This package contains three files: 'mldonkey', 'mldonkey_gui' and servers.ini'. 'mldonkey' is the main program, a daemon which is used to download files. It takes no argument, and outputs some debugging messages on his terminal, so you should not close it. So, to start your program in the background, you can use: prompt> ./mldonkey > mldonkey.log & 'mldonkey' expects to find several .ini files in the directory where it is started. You can use the file provided in this package, or your old one if you already used 'mldonkey' before. It contains a list of servers that were available when the release was done. You can edit 'downloads.ini' to modify its parameters before starting 'mldonkey', but you can also modify the parameters in the graphical user interface 'mldonkey_gui'. 'mldonkey_gui', the graphical user interface, can be started by: prompt> ./mldonkey_gui & 'mldonkey_gui' doesn't need to be started in the same directory as 'mldonkey'. Without parameters, it expects to find 'mldonkey' running on the same computer on the default port. If you started 'mldonkey' on another computer, you should specify the hostname (myhost.mydomain.mydot for example) on the command line: prompt> ./mldonkey_gui myhost.mydomain.mydot If you also modified the GUI port, you can also specify it (here 9999 for example) on the command line: prompt> ./mldonkey_gui myhost.mydomain.mydot 9999 You can also start the GUI, and modify these settings in the Options panel, and then try to reconnect. This is anyway necessary if you have put a password. Instead of using the GUI, you can also telnet to the daemon: prompt> telnet localhost 4000 (on your local computer) or prompt> telnet myhost.mydomain.mydot (if the client was started on that host). Using the config the standard core : =================================== Connect to mldonkey by telnet: prompt> telnet localhost 4000 Use the 'import' command with the donkey directory containing your old config as parameter. import '/.../donkey2000' All the files which were currently downloading will be moved to mldonkey temp directory, and the server list will be imported too. If you only want to import the server.met file, use the 'servers' command: servers '/.../donkey2000/server.met' Filenames containing special characters (such as spaces) should be put inside ''. *) The GUI/telnet/WEB can't connect to the core. ----------------------------------------------- Since version 1.12, there is an option to control which computers can connect to mldonkey: allowed_ips By default, this option only allows your local computer to connect to the core. You can change this either by editing the downloads.ini file, or, in the console, using the set allowed_ips ' A.B.C.D ...' command, where A.B.C.D ... are IP addresses separated by spaces. *) How can I communicate with the client ? ------------------------------------------ There are three ways to communicate with the client. In all the cases, you can run the client on one computer and control it from another computer. In these examples, we suppose they both run on the local computer 'localhost': 1) Use the GUI, called 'mldonkey_gui': prompt> ./mldonkey_gui localhost 2) Use the command-line client: prompt> telnet localhost 4000 3) Use a WEB browser: prompt> lynx http://localhost:4080/
- SEDG: ed2k://|server||4661|/
- Elitemusic: [ed2k://|server||4224|/
- PortalPirata: [ed2k://|server||4661|/
- www.VIVELARED.com: [ed2k:|server||6667|/
- Cyndi-eDonkey: [ed2k:|server||4661|/
- Silent-Bob: [ed2k:|server||4242|/
- www.eselshare.net: [ed2k:|server||6666|/
- PETERTECH: [ed2k:|server||4661|/
- ed2k://|server||4661|/
- ed2k://|server||4242|/
- ed2k://|server||4242|/
- ed2k://|server||4242|/
- ed2k://|server||4242|/
- ed2k://|server||4242|/
- ed2k://|server||4242|/
- ed2k://|server||4224|/
- ed2k://|server||4661|/
- ed2k://|server||4661|/
- ed2k://|server||3000|/