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Die Mediawiki-Erweiterung FileProtocolLinks ermöglicht die Verlinkung zu Dateien auf dem lokalen rechner.

Damit diese Erweiterung auch unter Mozilla Firefox funktioniert, muss das Addon LocalLink installiert werden.


1. Herunterladen der aktuellen Software unter

Anlegen des Verzeichnisses "extensions/Description".

# mkdir extensions/Description
# chown wiki:wiki extensions/Description

2. Anlegen der Datei "extensions/FileProtocolLinks.php" und Einfügen des folgenden PHP-Codes: FileProtocolLinks 0.2 (für Mediawiki 1.14).

# vi extensions/FileProtocolLinks.php
 * This file contains the main include file for the FileProtocolLinks extension of 
 * MediaWiki. This code is released under the GNU General Public License.
 * As I am new to php the code for this plugin was taken from the XFNLinks Plugin. 
 * Thanks to Travis Swicegood for his work.
 * @author Edmund Mielach <>
 * @copyright Copyright 2005, Edmund Mielach
 * @license GNU Public License
 * @package MediaWikiExtensions
 * @version 0.2
 * Register the FileProtocolLinks extension with MediaWiki
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'registerFileProtocolLinks';
 * Sets the tag that this extension looks for and the function by which it
 * operates
function registerFileProtocolLinks()
  global $wgParser;
  $wgParser->setHook('file', 'renderFileProtocolLink');
 * Renders a file protocol link based on the information provided by $input.
 * @param string
 *  The string should be in the following format:
 *      URI[;link text]
 *  One example for a Windows environment would be:
 *      c:/something.txt|some nice text
 * @return string
 *  Returns an anchor tag for the given input. For the example above
 *  the return string would be
 *      <a style="color:green" href="file:///c:/something.txt“>some nice text</a>
 * The links are rendered in green text color to make it easier to recognize 
 * them as local shares.
function renderFileProtocolLink($input)
  $exploded = explode('|', $input);
  $uri = htmlentities($exploded[0], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
  if (!isset($exploded[1]) || empty($exploded[1])) {
    // no linktext has been specified ==> use the URI as linktext
    $linktext = $uri;
  else {
    $linktext = htmlentities($exploded[1], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");

  return sprintf('<a style="color:green" href="file:///%s">%s</a>', 
    $uri, $linktext);
#credits for [[Special:Version]]
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
  'name'        => 'FileProtocolLinks',
  'author'      => 'Edmund Mielach',
  'description' => 'highlights links to local filesystem',
  'url'         => '');	

3. Anpassung der Rechte.

# chown wiki:wiki extensions/FileProtocolLinks.php

4. Einfügen der folgenden Zeile in die Datei "LocalSettings.php".

## Extension: FileProtocolLinks
