
Aus Mikiwiki
Version vom 6. August 2011, 19:10 Uhr von Michi (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Das Perl-Skript aclog (auch: AC.log) dient der Protokolldateiauswertung eines Webservers.

aclog löst weder die IP-Adressen in Rechner- und Domainnamen auf, noch kann der Weg des Besuchers verfolgt werden. Dafür gibt es eine Tabelle der häufigsten Einstiegsseiten ("Session Entry Pages"), die Verweildauer pro Seite und die häufigsten Ausstiegsseiten ("Session Exit Pages"). Im weiteren werden die Anfragen nach Tag und Woche geordnet.


Vorbedingung ist Perl 5 oder höher.

Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron


$ mkdir aclog && mv aclog10.tgz aclog && cd aclog
$ tar xzf aclog10.tgz


Eine weitergehende Konfiguration muss im Perl-Skript selbst vorgenommen werden.


Aclog wird unter Angabe aller zu analysierenden Dateien aufgerufen und erzeugt als Ergebnis eine Textdatei.

$ perl aclog access.log.01 access.log.02 > ausgabe.txt

Konkret kann das wie folgt aussehen:

$ perl ~/backup/software/linux/Ubuntu8.04/test/aclog /var/log/apache2/access.log > \

Das Ergebnis sieht beispielsweise wie folgt aus:

* AC.log version 1.0beta build 0003
* Advanced HTTP server log file analyser 
* Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Treber
* For information, see or contact
* AC.log is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License version 2.
* AC.log comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software,
* and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
* General information
Logfile(s): /var/log/apache2/access.log
Time range: 02.08.2009 11:55:54 to 06.08.2009 12:08:05
Entries processed: 226 read, 210 inspected, 16 filtered out
Transferred volume: 110083 bytes (107.5kB)
Sessions: 31 sessions with 4.0h total duration (463.5sec per session)
* Originating page (referrer) by number of requests
 68.1%  68.1%   143 -
 30.0%  98.1%    63 http://localhost/wiki_privat/index.php/Hauptseite
  1.0%  99.0%     2 http://localhost/wiki_privat/index.php?title=Personen&action=edit
  0.5%  99.5%     1 http://localhost/wiki_privat/index.php/Personen
  0.5% 100.0%     1 http://localhost/wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn2

* Session entry page by number of sessions
 93.8%  93.8%    30 /wiki_privat/
  3.1%  96.9%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Hauptseite
  3.1% 100.0%     1 *

* Pages by number of views
 25.7%  25.7%    54 /wiki_privat/index.php
 23.8%  49.5%    50 /wiki_privat/index.php/Hauptseite
 23.8%  73.3%    50 /wiki_privat/
 16.7%  90.0%    35 *
  3.8%  93.8%     8 /favicon.ico
  1.4%  95.2%     3 /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn2
  1.0%  96.2%     2 /wiki_privat/index.php/Wetter
  1.0%  97.1%     2 /wiki_privat/index.php/Personen
  1.0%  98.1%     2 /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn
  0.5%  98.6%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Passw%C3%B6rter
  0.5%  99.0%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Gesundheit
  0.5%  99.5%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Finanzen
  0.5% 100.0%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn2/Konfiguration_G%C3%A4stebuch

* Pages by view time
   636.7sec /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn2 (3 times)
   367.0sec /wiki_privat/index.php/Finanzen (1 times)
   316.0sec /favicon.ico (5 times)
   200.9sec /wiki_privat/index.php/Hauptseite (34 times)
   200.5sec /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn (2 times)
    61.7sec /wiki_privat/index.php (51 times)
    19.0sec /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn2/Konfiguration_G%C3%A4stebuch (1 times)
     2.2sec /wiki_privat/ (50 times)
     2.0sec /wiki_privat/index.php/Personen (1 times)
     0.0sec * (31 times)

* Session exit page by number of sessions
 51.6%  51.6%    16 /wiki_privat/index.php/Hauptseite
 12.9%  64.5%     4 *
  9.7%  74.2%     3 /wiki_privat/index.php
  9.7%  83.9%     3 /favicon.ico
  6.5%  90.3%     2 /wiki_privat/index.php/Wetter
  3.2%  93.5%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Personen
  3.2%  96.8%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Passw%C3%B6rter
  3.2% 100.0%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Gesundheit

* Files by number of requests
 25.7%  25.7%    54 /wiki_privat/index.php
 23.8%  49.5%    50 /wiki_privat/index.php/Hauptseite
 23.8%  73.3%    50 /wiki_privat/
 16.7%  90.0%    35 *
  3.8%  93.8%     8 /favicon.ico
  1.4%  95.2%     3 /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn2
  1.0%  96.2%     2 /wiki_privat/index.php/Wetter
  1.0%  97.1%     2 /wiki_privat/index.php/Personen
  1.0%  98.1%     2 /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn
  0.5%  98.6%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Passw%C3%B6rter
  0.5%  99.0%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Gesundheit
  0.5%  99.5%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/Finanzen
  0.5% 100.0%     1 /wiki_privat/index.php/External_server_kuhn2/Konfiguration_G%C3%A4stebuch

* File type by volume (bytes total, bytes per document, number of requests)
 20.9%  20.9%  13.3kB   6.7kB     2 php/External_server_kuhn
 17.1%  38.0%  10.9kB 207.6 B    54 php
 12.0%  49.9%   7.6kB   7.6kB     1 php/Finanzen
 10.3%  60.3%   6.6kB   6.6kB     1 php/Passw%C3%B6rter
  9.8%  70.0%   6.2kB   3.1kB     2 php/Personen
  7.2%  77.2%   4.6kB   1.5kB     3 php/External_server_kuhn2
  6.5%  83.7%   4.2kB   4.2kB     1 php/External_server_kuhn2/Konfiguration_G%C3%A4stebuch
  5.7%  89.5%   3.7kB   3.7kB     1 php/Gesundheit
  4.6%  94.1%   2.9kB   1.5kB     2 php/Wetter
  4.0%  98.0%   2.5kB 323.0 B     8 ico
  2.0% 100.0%   1.3kB  15.3 B    85 
  0.0% 100.0%   0.0 B   0.0 B    50 php/Hauptseite

* Requesting host by number of requests (time of last access)
100.0% 100.0%   210 () last at 06.08.2009 12:08:05

* Requesting domain by number of requests (time of last access)
) last at 06.08.2009 12:08:05 (unresolved

* Top Level Domain by number of requests

* Result code by number of requests
 46.2%  46.2%    97 200 OK
 25.7%  71.9%    54 304 Not Modified
 23.8%  95.7%    50 301 Moved Permanently
  3.8%  99.5%     8 404 Not Found
  0.5% 100.0%     1 302 Found

* Protocol by number of requests
 83.3%  83.3%   175 HTTP/1.1
 16.7% 100.0%    35 HTTP/1.0

* Browser by number of requests (plus version: % relative to browser/to all requests)
 69.0%  69.0%   145 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv: Gecko/2009070812 Ubuntu (8.04: 100.0%/69.0%)
 16.7%  85.7%    35 Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP (5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch: 100.0%/16.7%)
 14.3% 100.0%    30 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv: Gecko/2009080316 Ubuntu (8.04: 100.0%/14.3%)

* Platform by number of requests (plus version: % relative to platform/to all requests)
 83.3%  83.3%   175 hardy (unknown: 100.0%/83.3%)
 16.7% 100.0%    35 internal (dummy connection: 100.0%/16.7%)

* Distribution of requests over the day
 15.7%  15.7%    33 00 **************************************************
 12.4%  28.1%    26 01 =======================================
  1.9%  30.0%     4 02 ======
 11.9%  41.9%    25 03 =====================================
  0.0%  41.9%     0 04 
  0.0%  41.9%     0 05 
  0.0%  41.9%     0 06 
  0.0%  41.9%     0 07 
  3.3%  45.2%     7 08 ==========
  7.6%  52.9%    16 09 ========================
  0.0%  52.9%     0 10 
 10.5%  63.3%    22 11 =================================
  3.3%  66.7%     7 12 ==========
  0.0%  66.7%     0 13 
  9.5%  76.2%    20 14 ==============================
  2.4%  78.6%     5 15 =======
  0.0%  78.6%     0 16 
  3.8%  82.4%     8 17 ============
  5.7%  88.1%    12 18 ==================
  7.1%  95.2%    15 19 ======================
  0.0%  95.2%     0 20 
  0.0%  95.2%     0 21 
  1.0%  96.2%     2 22 ===
  3.8% 100.0%     8 23 ============

* Distribution of requests over the week
 29.5%  29.5%    62 Mon **************************************************
 25.7%  55.2%    54 Tue ===========================================
 21.9%  77.1%    46 Wed =====================================
 10.0%  87.1%    21 Thu ================
  0.0%  87.1%     0 Fri 
  0.0%  87.1%     0 Sat 
 12.9% 100.0%    27 Sun =====================

* Requests per date
 12.9%  12.9%    27 2009-08-02 =====================
 29.5%  42.4%    62 2009-08-03 **************************************************
 25.7%  68.1%    54 2009-08-04 ===========================================
 21.9%  90.0%    46 2009-08-05 =====================================
 10.0% 100.0%    21 2009-08-06 ================


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