Lied "Tchip tchip" (Terry Rendall; Werner Thomas)

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Liedtitel Tchip tchip
Alternativtitel Bird's dance; Chicken dance; Dance little bird; Danse des canards; Danse des oiseaux; Der Vogeltanz; Duck dance; Fogleintanz; Le ragga des pingouins; Pinguin rap; Rave little bird; Tschip tschip tschip
Titelcode {{{titelcode}}}
Musikautor Werner Thomas (CAE/IPI
Bearbeiter {{{bearbeiter}}}
Herausgeber Eurovox Music (CAE/IPI, Intervox Music (CAE/IPI

Tchip tchip

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Datum Interpret Format Titel Bestellnummer Anmerkungen
Cash and Carry 7-45 Tchip tchip NL: CNR 144.473
A 01 Cash and Carry Tchip tchip Werner Thomas
B 01 Cash and Carry Who needs money? Terry Rendall ; Rudy Witt
Cash and Carry 7-45 Tchip tchip FR: Barclay 61 888
A 01 02:07 Cash and Carry Tchip tchip Werner Thomas
B 01 03:06 Cash and Carry Who needs money? Terry Rendall ; Rudy Witt
Cash and Carry, Bobby Setter and Co. 7-45 Tchip tchip GB: Cannon Can 3035
A 01 Cash and Carry ; Bobby Setter and Co. Tchip tchip Terry Rendall ; Werner Thomas
B 01 Cash and Carry ; Bobby Setter and Co. Who needs money? Terry Rendall ; Rudy Witt
Cash and Carry, Bobby Setter and Co. 7-45 Tchip tchip SE: Viking VIS 1xxx
A 01 Cash and Carry Tchip tchip Terry Rendall ; Werner Thomas
B 01 Cash and Carry Who needs money? Terry Rendall ; Rudy Witt
Cash and Carry with Bobby Setter and Co. 7-45 Tchip tchip GB: EMI 2125
A 01 Cash and Carry ; Bobby Setter and Co. Tchip tchip Terry Rendall ; Werner Thomas
B 01
Cash and Carry 7-45 Tchip tchip DE: Polydor 2041 512
CH #1
A 01 02:08 Cash and Carry Tchip tchip Werner Thomas
B 01 03:08 Cash and Carry Who needs money? Terry Rendall ; Rudy Witt
Cash and Carry, Bobby Setter Co. 7-45 Tchip tchip DK: Play 2068
A 01 Cash and Carry ; Bobby Setter Co. Tchip tchip Werner Thomas
B 01 Cash and Carry ; Bobby Setter Co. Who needs money? Terry Rendall ; Rudy Witt
Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry 12-33 Tchip tchip BE: Cannon
Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Tchip tchip Werner Thomas
Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry 12-33 Dancing at the Moog-o-Theque NL: Telgram / Killroy Piccolo KP 99.014 KL
A 01 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry The pigmy song
A 02 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Tchip tchip Terry Rendall ; Werner Thomas
A 03 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Dunch, Dunch and Dunch
A 04 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Silvermorning rain
A 05 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry That's the way it is
A 06 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Who needs money? Terry Rendall ; Rudy Witt
B 01 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Pied piper
B 02 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Gaucho's
B 03 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Buena Mooga
B 04 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Shalom Shula shalom
B 05 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Secretary polka
B 06 Bobby Setter's Cash and Carry Too many days


Zu den weiteren Interpreten gehören:

  • Electronica's
  • J. A. Johnny Hoes
  • Jean Jacques Lionel
  • Kurt Merz
  • Michael Alain Provot
  • Louis Julien van Rijmenant